Sunday, May 13, 2012

Its a beautiful day

Like the title suggests, it is a beautiful day out today! Set up a gnarly slackline in the font yard, super long and very stiff (thats what she said) and my legs are tired from trying to walk the whole thing. The length creates a big NO BOUNCE ZONE so it's been tough!

Ellie was out enjoying the sun and started twirling so i snapped a pic :D she still cannot slacking but has been practicing! 

Also, Thursday was my birfday, the big one eight and my lovely girlfriend kidnapped me, blindfolded me and drove me around for hours! Well, thats an exaggeration, but regardless, she planned me a picnic atop of the paramount parking ramp! 

It was the most thoughtful thing anyone has done for me on my birthday, ever! Usually, my family just goes out to eat sometime near my birthday, and half the time my dad will be working that day anyways (which he was). 
I also got a picture message on my birthday of this from ben! I fricken love orange juice and it was a stellar birthday present! Ben knows me too well! Yesterday at work I drank half of it..

Life has been good.